Wer in diesen Tagen die Blogs liest, die auf Wired Journalists gesammelt werden, kommt um gute Vorsätze nicht herum. Es geht um gute Vorsätze für Journalisten, Journalistenschüler und die ganze Branche. Sie wurden beispielsweise notiert von Gina Chen (I hope journalists this year will: 1. Move more quickly through the ‚Äústages of grief‚Äù over the newspaper industry. 2. Not just tolerate new media, but embrace it. 3. See our product as information, not newspapers 4. Think of ourselves as working for a great Web site that happens to have a quality newspaper 5. Create a mutually beneficial relationship between newspapers and their Web sites 6. See the Web as a priority 7. Shout out the new content; don‚Äôt whisper 8. Cut through the bureaucracy of the newsroom 9. Create the next new big thing 10. Ask readers what they think and really listen to them),Emily Kostic (1. Upgrade your equipment. 2. Don‚Äôt be afraid to dig deep. 3. Promise to listen to your readers. 4. Don‚Äôt just fill space. 5. Get away from College Publisher. 6. ‚Ķand in the process go Web First. 7. Maintain an effective relationship with your school‚Äôs administration. 8. Get out of your ivory tower. 9. Remember that people like to see their names/faces in print. 10. Don‚Äôt forget to apply for contests.) und Suzanne Yada (Write like crazy. Produce multimedia like crazy. Meet your deadlines. Grow some cojones. Dig for better stories beneath the surface. Be absolutely, 100% ethical. Treat all your school assignments like your next ticket to a job. Apply, apply, apply. Talk with your teachers about something other than class. Start pitching stories to publications. Take a business course, or five. Be prepared to go entrepreneurial. Learn something that doesn‚Äôt earn school units. Read. Teach.) und werden fortgeführt im Journalist‚Äôs Guide to Owning 2009 and Beyond, der im Verweis auf dieses Video gipfelt:
Ganz ohne Listen kommt der 27-jährige Ernie Smith aus. Er hat – nach seiner Kündigung als Journalist – das ShortFormBlog gegründet. Eine Website, die mit dem Slogan „Writing a little. Saying a lot.“ Nachrichten verändern will – und zumindest einen lesenswerten Ansatz dazu bietet

ShortFormBlog via kwout
1 Kommentar
Mein Deutsch is sehr schlect, aber vielen Dank für das Link!
(OK, that was terrible, but at least I tried!)