Don’t Call Me Mr. Mom

Still, the bottom line is that today’s guys are procreating, parenting and pleased with ourselves. Sure, you’ll have to endure the occasional hipster dad who slaps a Sex Pistols decal on his $800 Bugaboo stroller. Some of us will give our kids offbeat names like Freya and diligently document our every self-important, profanity-laced insight on our blogs. And it will be another generation who will tell us if this grand experiment has worked. But one thing is clear: we tend to have a different outlook than our fathers did. Maybe we take a little more active delight in our children. Maybe not.

Der Newsweek-Autor Brian Braiker vergleicht seine Generation mit der seines Vaters und fordert Just Don‚Äôt Call Me Mr. Mom. Ein lesenswertes Stück über die Veränderung des Vater-Bildes aus dem Oktober vergangenen Jahres, aber jetzt via Brijit empfohlen.