Vanity Fair über Barack Obama

This is not a story about the presidential horse race. It‚Äôs not about the policy positions of a freshman senator and candidate for national office. It‚Äôs about the enduring character of a boy and a young man, and how that character has emerged in adulthood. (…) Obama‚Äôs good looks and soft-spoken willingness to ponder aloud some of the inanities of modern politics have masked the hard inner core and unyielding ambition that have long burned beneath the surface shimmer. He is not, and never has been, soft. He‚Äôs not laid-back. He‚Äôs not an accidental man. His friends and family may be surprised by the rapidity of his rise, but they‚Äôre not surprised by the fact of it.

Raising Obama heißt das Porträt in der amerikanischen Vanity Fair. Dazu gibt es eine Slideshow mit Jugendbildern von Barack Obama.( via Brijit)

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