„Wir zahlen für Erlebnisse, nicht für Inhalte“

I don’t think we pay for content. If you were to buy my book, and you paid $20 for that book, you have this experience where you’re paying for the words on the page, you’re paying for the typography and the design and the layout and the paper and the fact that it’s in a bookstore, and you’re also paying for the ability to have a conversation around that, right? If I told you I would sell you my book for $20 on Post-It notes, you probably would not want to buy it, because it wouldn’t be an enjoyable reading experience.

When you think about what it is we sell, we don’t always sell content, we sell experiences around it. And the same thing applies to The New York Times. It’s the same reason a million people still buy the print newspaper every day, because it’s a really amazing experience.

In diesem lesenswerten Interview spricht Nick Bilton nicht nur über Paid Content, sondern auch über die 1,2,10-Regel und seinen Vorstellung vom produzierenden Konsumenten.